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I've lapsed.
I've totally neglected my blog lately. Life has been busy and my brain has been consumed by other things ( like that I am having a baby in the next few weeks or so. ) I do have topics that come to my mind and I do think of music that would go great with it - it's just taking the time to sit and "make sense of it all".
I've nixed all the mp3's from July posts - just so you know.
So, I'm driving down the highway today. In the middle lane. Notice the silver pickup in front of me has a bumper sticker that says "HANG UP AND DRIVE" ( with a crossed out cellphone next to it. ) I'm down with that. If I have to use the phone in the car it's BRIEF, and I mean BRIEF. It's not safe, and I hate the assholes who's driving speed drops down 12 mph slower than the designated speed limit in a fast lane because they are bitching with their wife about going to the store. ANYWAY.....