Monday, September 12, 2005

It's about that time

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So, as many of you know...I'm gonna have a baby soon.
Like really soon. FOUR DAYS kinda soon. Yeah. SOON.
I go into the hospital on Friday the 16th at 6am ( grrroaaaan ) and my c-section should be taking place around 7:30am. That's what I get for making large babies with enormous heads. A c-section. My second one. At least this time around I KNOW it's coming, I've been there, I'm prepared for it. With my first...well, let's just say two weeks late, 2 days of unbelievable torture to get him out of me, and THEN the c-section. So, this advance notice is quite nice.

We are as ready as we can be. We have all the baby necessities. We've got the family babysitters in our house for the weekend to watch our 3 year old. And I can't tell you how ready I am to NOT be pregnant. I feel like I have a 30 pound medicine ball strapped to my gut. The carpal tunnel ( due to swollen cells ) is excruciating at times. The stretchmarks, the heartburn, the backaches, you get the picture. I want it OVER. Me wanty no more pregnant.

Mostly, I just want to meet my son. I can't wait to see him.
I can't wait for this new chapter to begin. Dying to see who he looks like.
Dying to hold him. It's gonna be one wild day....

Keep your fingers crossed for me. Send good thoughts for a safe c-section, a healthy baby, and a mom that doesn't go loopy with post partum chaos and hormone crash!!

Here's some "baby-fied" tunes.....

Gillian Welch, Emmy Lou Harris, Alison Krauss - Didn't Leave Nobody But The Baby.mp3
You Are My Sunshine.mp3
Bing Crosby - Toora Loora Loora ( Irish Lullaby ).mp3
Ring Around The Rosie.mp3


Blogger Jilabel said...

Yes, but will you be an idiot every other time? ( hahaha )

4:16 PM  

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