Monday, April 11, 2005

"Sounds like someone's got a case of the Mondays!"

"Office Space"
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Doesn't that phrase make you want to kick someone in the teeth?
A "case of the Mondays"?!!?
Oh my god. If ANYONE ever said that to me at work, I would have stapled their eyelids open with my shiny Swingline.

Really. Who DOES like to go back to work on a Monday ( after what was hopefully a good weekend. ) Most folks I know aren't too jazzed about it. Unless you make cotton candy for a living, I can't think of a job that would make me want to sprint to work. Maybe if you knew a juicy piece of gossip about another co-worker that you are just DYING to spread thru accounting, why would you be excited about work on a Monday?

People are entitled to be in a bad mood on a Monday. That "I haven't had my 4th cup of coffee yet - get out of my face, you smiling bastard" mood. Anyone that has ever had a cubicle farm type of job understands the gloom that can come with it. It's all the gray carpet half walls and fluorescent lighting. I can talk a good game about this NOW, seeing that I don't work ( I'm a mom at home, a whole different type of job entirely ) but there was a time where I lived it, knew it, and dreaded it.


Boomtown Rats - I Don't Like Mondays


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