Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Being. Sick. Sucks.

Actually, I'm not the one who is sick. Thankfully. And I hope I didn't jinx myself by saying that and come down with this nastiness in the next 36 hours. My husband and son are sick. Husband is on the mend, back at work, functioning properly. He battled his disease demons already. The son isn't doing so hot. Common fever ( fevers are good by the way, they can just be frightening at times if they get too high ) and a sore throat. A little booger action. Sore throats and toddlers don't mix. They make for one cranky, sad individual. Right now I'm grateful for Whole Fruit popsicles, Throat Coat tea, Children's Tylenol, and Dora the Explorer. Without this combination, I might climb the nearest, tallest tree and jump. When your kid is sick, it's nerve-wracking. I try to remain levelheaded and calm and very "Aw, he'll be fine" ( even though my stomach is in knots over it.) You feel helpless and anxious, worry about it getting worse, watch for symptoms, try anything to make them feel better. My poor little guy. He's being a trooper.

I'm not a good sick patient. I can tough it out like the best of them, but I can also get very crybaby whiny over things like a sinus infection ( crying and sinus infections don't mix either. ) I HAVE to have tissues with lotion in them. I HAVE to have certain kinds of orange juice. I HAVE to have specific cough drops. Yeah, I get rather 'Mommie Dearest' when I'm on my sick bed. Not always though. Back in March, the husband had to go away for 4 days to San Francisco ( gaming conference ) and wouldn't you know, I get sick the day he's leaving. And I mean SICK. The head, the throat, the sinuses, the chest, the cough. Fucking miserable. Newly pregnant too ( which wasn't making me feel too swell to begin with ), a major cold, and playing Super Parent for the next 100 hours, SOLO. It was NOT fun.

Anyway. That's all I can muster today for my blog. A post plagued with illness and "bleh". We ALL slept like shit last night ( up off and on checking temperatures and responding to tears ) and I'm on Mom-Autopilot ( which feels like one notch above "Re-Animator Zombie". ) Fingers crossed that what he has doesn't get worse and we end up at a doctor's office. Oh yeah, and that I don't catch this funk.

Mudhoney - Touch Me, I'm Sick.mp3


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