Monday, April 25, 2005

"Look Ma! A penis!"

David Letterman shows off a photo of his new son, Harry.
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Today I had a sonogram and found out that the growing person inside of me is a BOY!! Yes. A boy. ANOTHER boy ( I have one already. ) I was wishing for a girl, but I can't say I am disappointed. Not in the slightest. I'll have two boys. Mama of 2 sons. I will reign supreme as Queen Mother. Matriarch. Lone Female of the Clan. I will be loved and praised forever ( okay, until they are 13 and I suddenly become "The Plague". ) 'Tis the curse of Moms. You are Goddess Incarnate until puberty hits, then you get smacked down a few pegs and are told you are about cool as a roll of papertowels. Knowing this, I choose to bask in the glow of my sweet boy love and Super-Mom status as long as they deem me fit to carry the torch.

For my soon-to-be second son ( in September ) I give you this song.

( Now we just have to come up with a name for the little guy! )

John Lennon - Beautiful Boy


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