Saturday, May 14, 2005

Dream A Little Dream

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This morning, I woke up and realized I just had the STRANGEST dream.
I don't remember all of it, all I know is that at one point I was watching Thomas the Tank Engine on tv, and he was singing "Cities in Dust" by Siouxsie & The Banshees. What's weirder is that there was no acknowledgement in the dream about the song ( like "Oh, he's singing Siouxsie." ) I just happened to wake up RIGHT after I had it, and the words to the song were still in my head. After running the lyrics in my brain for a few seconds, I realized what it was.

Weird? I think so. It was like my world and my son's world collided in my mind.

I'm a dreamer. My whole life I've had vivid, memorable dreams.
I have also suffered from horrible nightmares my whole life too.
Admittedly, they've mellowed a little bit....but when a doozie out. For about 10 years, I was having steady dreams about tornadoes. Very frightening, action-packed nightmares where I could see these giant twisters either on the horizon coming towards me, or I was trapped in a house or basement somewhere while they ripped the place to pieces. I came to find out later ( thanks to my therapist ) that tornadoes in dreams signify "anxiety - fear of the unknown". Yeah, that's me. This was the same woman that diagnosed me with generalized anxiety disorder, so hearing that information wasn't exactly shocking. My nightmares are also the things that would make Clive Barker jizz in his pants. If only there was a way to somehow "zap" my nightmares onto video, I'd own Wes Craven. Very bloody, gorey, disturbing....the one I had about Sylvester Stallone as a vampire was so fucked up and gross that I will never forget it. Okay, it's disturbing enough that I dreamt about Sly, but in this dream, I watched someone put a meathook in his eye and then for what seemed like 45 minutes, I watched them slowly drag the hook thru his eye socket, forehead, skull. It wouldn't end. Larger than life and in full technicolor. Sick sick shit. All from my head.

I've also had this re-occurring dream that pops up every 6 months to a year that isn't exactly a nightmare, but it's not that fun either. It's about me having to go thru high school again. For some reason my 1987 graduation was bogus - almost as if it never happened - and I had to go back. I've woken up thinking it was real for a moment too ( but this was back when I did a lot of drugs, so...... )

Of course, I love a good sex dream. Who doesn't?!? I remember being in high school, and I went thru this phase where it felt like I could totally control my dreams, and I was going to bed early so I could create these elaborate sexual fantasies with me and John Taylor. Aaaah, memories.
It's nice to wake up knowing a sex dream snuck up on you during your slumber. Wow, Jeremy Irons wanted *ME* to give him head? Awesome!! That threesome with Angelina Jolie and Prince was HOT!! Not sure if it's just me, but I have such a lengthy photographic memory, that LOTS of things stay in my head for yeaaaaaaaaars. I still recall a dream I had in 3rd grade about our guidance counselor ( Mrs. Callahan ) and her dolphin hand puppet ( Duso the Dolphin...don't even get me going about the song about him ) and in the dream I sat in her office and poured bottles of ketchup all over this box of Colorforms. This dream is over 25 years old, but it's still stamped in my mind like it was yesterday. Then there was the 6th grade dream about me being one of The Warriors ( a Baseball Fury ) . My friend Dee Dee was so enthralled with that one that she made me repeat it at lunch time. There are many more just like that filed away in the "Dream" cabinet in my skull.

I hope to keep dreaming this way. Well, the shitty stuff can go disappear and I wouldn't mind, but I love having such wild stuff go on in my head. Except for anything sad or scary involving my husband or kids. Hate it. HAAAAAAAAATE it. Nothing worse than spontaneous tears on your pillow at 3am because of something fucked up that startled you out of a deep sleep. Oh yeah, vomit too. Can't handle vomit in real life, let alone in my dreams. But if some nights I get a chance to dance with Eddie Izzard in a mud pit or let John Waters paint my toenails, that's a damn good night. Even if it's in my mind.

The Cure - If Only Tonight We Could Sleep.mp3
Megadeth - Wake Up Dead.mp3
Fleetwood Mac - Dreams.mp3
Connie Francis & Hank Williams - Send Me The Pillow You Dream On.mp3


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