I like that there new-fangled intarweb!
Isn't technology cool?
I know. Staggering understatement. But, sometimes it's just so amazing to me, that I can't even wrap my head around it enough to BEGIN to give it the praise it deserves.
This is all stemming from my new camera phone. We got an upgrade in our cell phone service and now we have camera phones. Did you ever think when you were 10 years old that we'd have things like CAMERA PHONES!? Mind you, I was 10 about 26 years ago. You newbies might not be able to understand this feeling that I have. Did you ever think they'd make cameras that don't involve film or dropping film off at a processing place where you pick your photos up later? Now we can take pictures and print them at home! You can take pictures and SEE what it is you are taking a picture of. We can put 1000's of songs onto one tiny little rectangular device that fits in your pocket. We can talk to people in France online ( either typing it out onto a screen or a speaking into microphone.) We can GO ONLINE, period. I can make this blog. It's endless.
Whoa. It's all I got. Whoa. Sometimes I sit and overthink these things and my mind is blown. I mean, don't even get me started on surgical technology and what doctors have the means to do now. I'm still trying to grasp the concept of my new camera phone. The one that can play actual songs ( and not some bleep-blip-ding ring tone. )
"Beat On The Brat" by the Ramones is my new ringtone by the way.
Yeah, I'm cool.
"I Love Technology" - (Napoleon Dynamite inspired remix)